Tuesday, 5 June 2012

"It's pulpy and nasty and moves like an express train..."

I've been a fan of Greg Hatcher's 'Fridays...' column over at Comics Should be Good for a while now. It's a weekly rundown of comics, pulp fiction and stories from Greg's frequent expeditions to a variety of smalltown used book stores. I always learn something new from Greg's columns, and my to-read list regularly gets a little longer.

A few weeks ago I sent Greg a copy of Halfway to Hell, in the hope that he might be interested in taking a look at it.

To my amazement, he's already read it, liked it and reviewed it in his latest column, where I'm delighted to be brushing shoulders with Doug Moench's Master of Kung Fu, Sax Rohmer's Fu Manchu and Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton Series.

Greg writes:

[Halfway to Hell is] pulpy and nasty and moves like an express train...In his covering note, Gavin told me that some editors had turned it down for being too noir, or something. Well, in my household, there’s no such thing. It’s tough and cool and very much in the tradition of comics like Steven Grant’s 2 Guns or movies like Jason Statham’s The Mechanic. In point of fact, Halfway to Hell would make an amazing Jason Statham movie, come to think of it.

But until that happens, you can find Gavin’s book right here in Amazon’s Kindle store. Well worth the paltry $3.99 it’ll set you back. Check it out. After all, when one of the regulars here has published something this good, we should support it, and I’ve spent a lot more for books I liked a lot less. Hell, I’ve spent more for COMICS I liked a lot less.

You can read the review here, and if you're a fan of pulp fiction, noir or obscure comic books, you could do worse than become a regular reader of Greg's column.

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